Communication is the Key

Don’t Be the Reason Your Clients Break Up
This was the first article I wrote for REALTOR magazine, which is a monthly publication put out by the National Association for Realtors. I wrote this, as I do all of my blogs and articles, in response to a situation I was seeing in a transaction. Communication is the topic of this article, and how important it is in real estate transactions.
Communication is key in all relationships, including the relationship between either a buyer and seller and a real estate agent. Agents need to take care to communicate both effectively, and with consideration. Real estate is often a very emotional transaction, so if an agent is careless with information in any way it can result in problems within the transaction…which can also effect the other side if the poor communication causes problems.
As a agent I try to take care to communicate effectively with all parties of a transaction so no misunderstandings or problems occur that could be avoided by better communication.
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