Yeah, you do. Disclose, disclose, disclose. There are a few protected things you don’t have to disclose, such as death on the premises, a person with AIDS or HIV living there, or if a crime occurred on the property…but outside of those things…just tell the buyers. Before you list the property your agent will give you a form to fill out that asks a gajillion questions. Answer them all, truthfully. Back up your answers with receipts and warranties, and any other paperwork you have. If a buyer loves your home many of them will overlook pretty much anything, especially if you handled it appropriately. For instance, if you had a flood…but you dried the property out and made repairs…tell them about it. Chances are they will find out anyway when they see your insurance history and see what claims have been made on the property. Then you look shady…and that will cause worse feelings than if you had been open and upfront right from the beginning.
Posted in: FAQ for Sellers